Simon Willison: TILs on spatialite

Atom feed for spatialite

spatialite Viewing GeoPackage data with SpatiaLite and Datasette - 2022-12-11

I managed to display polygons fom a GeoPackage database file today, using SpatiaLite and Datasette. …

spatialite GUnion to combine geometries in SpatiaLite - 2022-04-12

I was playing around with datanews/amtrak-geojson, which provides GeoJSON for Amtrak stations and track segments. …

spatialite Creating a minimal SpatiaLite database with Python - 2021-12-17

When writing a test for datasette-leaflet-freedraw I realized I didn't have a simple tiny recipe for creating an in-memory SpatiaLite database in Python. I came up with this: …

spatialite KNN queries with SpatiaLite - 2021-05-16

The latest version of SpatiaLite adds KNN support, which makes it easy to efficiently answer the question "what are the X closest records to this point". …