Simon Willison: TILs on aws

Atom feed for aws

aws Using S3 triggers to maintain a list of files in DynamoDB - 2025-02-19

This is a three-quarters-baked experiment that I ran this morning. I'm interested in efficiently tracking which new files have been added to an S3 bucket, where that bucket could potentially hold millions of items. …

aws Querying newline-delimited JSON logs using AWS Athena - 2022-10-06

I've been writing my Fly logs to S3 in newline-delimited JSON format using the recipe described in Writing Fly logs to S3. …

aws Athena error: The specified key does not exist - 2022-09-27

I was trying to run Athena queries against compressed JSON log files stored in an S3 bucket. …

aws Using boto3 from the command line - 2022-08-02

I found a useful pattern today for automating more complex AWS processes as pastable command line snippets, using Boto3. …

aws Running OCR against a PDF file with AWS Textract - 2022-06-28

Textract is the AWS OCR API. It's very good - I've fed it hand-written notes from the 1890s and it read them better than I could. …

aws Helper function for pagination using AWS boto3 - 2022-01-19

I noticed that a lot of my boto3 code in s3-credentials looked like this: …

aws Adding a CORS policy to an S3 bucket - 2022-01-04

Amazon S3 buckets that are configured to work as public websites can support CORS, allowing assets such as JavaScript modules to be loaded by JavaScript running on other domains. …

aws Recovering data from AWS Lightsail using EC2 - 2021-01-16

I ran into problems with my AWS Lightsail instance: it exceeded the CPU burst quota for too long and was suspended, and I couldn't figure out how to un-suspend it. …

aws Display EC2 instance costs per month - 2020-09-06

The EC2 pricing page shows cost per hour, which is pretty much useless. I want cost per month. The following JavaScript, pasted into the browser developer console, modifies the page to show cost-per-month instead. …