Simon Willison: TIL

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Recent TILs

python Trying out free-threaded Python on macOS - 2024-07-12

Inspired by I decided to try out a beta of Python 3.13 with the new free-threaded mode enabled, which removes the GIL. …

macos Accessing 1Password items from the terminal - 2024-07-09

I save things like API keys in 1Password. Today I figured out how to access those from macOS terminal scripts. …

pytest Mocking Stripe signature checks in a pytest fixture - 2024-07-01

I'm writing some code that accepts webhooks from Stripe. I wanted to simulate hits to this endpoint in my Django tests. Stripe uses a Stripe-Signature header and I wanted a way to mock my code so that I didn't need to calculate the correct signature. …

npm Running Prettier against Django or Jinja templates - 2024-06-19

I really like auto-formatting tools like Black. I've been hoping to find one that works with Django and Jinja templates for years. …

postgresql Upgrade on macOS - 2024-06-15

I've been using to run PostgreSQL on my Mac for years. I like that it's easy to install, gives me a task tray icon to control it and means I don't have to run a full Docker environment just to hack on projects like my blog. …

cloudflare Cloudflare redirect rules with dynamic expressions - 2024-05-29

I wanted to ensure would redirect to - including any path - using Cloudflare. …

ios Listen to a web page in Mobile Safari - 2024-05-21

I found a better way to listen to a whole web page through text-to-speech on Mobile Safari today. …

ham-radio How I studied for my Ham radio general exam - 2024-05-11

I scraped a pass on my Ham radio general exam today, on the second attempt (you can retake on the same day for an extra $15, thankfully). …

macos Transcribing MP3s with whisper-cpp on macOS - 2024-04-26

I asked on Twitter for tips about running Whisper transcriptions in the CLI on my Mac. Werner Robitza pointed me to Homebrew's whisper-cpp formula, and when I complained that it didn't have quite enough documentation for me to know how to use it Werner got a PR accepted adding the missing details. …

macos A script to capture frames from a QuickTime video - 2024-04-16

I was putting together some notes for a talk I gave, and I wanted an efficient way to create screenshots of specific moments in a video of that talk. …

macos impaste: pasting images to piped commands on macOS - 2024-04-04

I wanted the ability to paste the image on my clipboard into a command in the macOS terminal. …

go Installing tools written in Go - 2024-03-25

Today I learned how to install tools from GitHub that are written in Go, using as an example: …

chrome Google Chrome --headless mode - 2024-03-24

In the README for monolith (a new Rust CLI tool for archiving HTML pages along with their images and assets) I spotted this tip for using Chrome in headless mode to execute JavaScript and output the resulting DOM: …

clickhouse Reviewing your history of public GitHub repositories using ClickHouse - 2024-03-20

There's a story going around at the moment that people have found code from their private GitHub repositories in the AI training data known as The Stack, using this search tool:

npm Running self-hosted QuickJS in a browser - 2024-03-20

I want to try using QuickJS compiled to WebAssembly in a browser as a way of executing untrusted user-provided JavaScript in a sandbox. …

python Programmatically comparing Python version strings - 2024-03-17

I found myself wanting to compare the version numbers 0.63.1, 1.0 and the 1.0a13 in Python code, in order to mark a pytest test as skipped if the installed version of Datasette was pre-1.0. …

cloudflare Redirecting a whole domain with Cloudflare - 2024-03-15

I had to run this site on for 24 hours due to a domain registration mistake I made. …

sqlite SQLite timestamps with floating point seconds - 2024-03-13

Today I learned about this: …

google Generating URLs to a Gmail compose window - 2024-03-12

I wanted to send out a small batch of follow-up emails for workshop attendees today, and I realized that since I have their emails in a database table I might be able to semi-automate the process. …

javascript Using packages from JSR with esbuild - 2024-03-02

JSR is a brand new package repository for "modern JavaScript and TypeScript", launched on March 1st by the Deno team as a new alternative to npm

sqlite Tracking SQLite table history using a JSON audit log - 2024-02-26

I continue to collect ways of tracking the history of a table of data stored in SQLite - see sqlite-history for previous experiments. …

valtown Running a scheduled function on Val Town to import Atom feeds into Datasette Cloud - 2024-02-20

Val Town is a neat service for hosting short server-side JavaScript programs online - reminiscent of a combination of Glitch and Observable Notebooks. …

python Getting Python MD5 to work with FIPS systems - 2024-02-13

This issue by Parand Darugar pointed out that Datasette doesn't currently run on Linux systems with FIPS enabled, due to the way it uses MD5 hashes. …

networking Running Ethernet over existing coaxial cable - 2024-02-12

I recently noticed that the router in our garage was providing around 900 Mbps if I plugged my laptop directly into it via an Ethernet cable, but that speed fell to around 80Mbps (less than 1/10th that speed) elsewhere in our house. …

llms Piping from rg to llm to answer questions about code - 2024-02-11

Here's a trick I've used a couple of times in the past few days. …

github-actions Creating GitHub repository labels with an Actions workflow - 2024-02-09

Newly created GitHub repositories come with a default set of labels. I have several labels I like to add on top of these. The most important is research, which I use for issues that are tracking my notes on a research topic relevant to the repository. …

llms Exploring ColBERT with RAGatouille - 2024-01-27

I've been trying to get my head around ColBERT. …

httpx Logging OpenAI API requests and responses using HTTPX - 2024-01-26

My LLM tool has a feature where you can set a LLM_OPENAI_SHOW_RESPONSES environment variable to see full debug level details of any HTTP requests it makes to the OpenAI APIs. …

pypi Publish releases to PyPI from GitHub Actions without a password or token - 2024-01-14

I published a package to PyPI today using their Trusted Publishers mechanism for the first time. …

python Using pprint() to print dictionaries while preserving their key order - 2024-01-14

While parsing a CSV file using csv.DictReader today I noticed the following surprising result: …

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