Simon Willison: TILs on readthedocs

Atom feed for readthedocs

readthedocs Running pip install '.[docs]' on ReadTheDocs - 2023-11-24

I decided to use ReadTheDocs for my in-development datasette-enrichments project. …

readthedocs Updating stable docs in ReadTheDocs without pushing a release - 2023-08-20

I use ReadTheDocs for several of my projects. It's fantastic: among other things, it makes it easy to publish the documentation for my latest main branch at /latest/ and the documentation for my latest release at /stable/ (as well as maintain archived tag URLs for every prior release). …

readthedocs Linking from /latest/ to /stable/ on Read The Docs - 2022-01-20

Read The Docs has a handy feature where documentation for older versions will automatically link to the latest release, for example on this page: …

readthedocs Promoting the stable version of the documentation using rel=canonical - 2022-01-20

I was thinking about documentation SEO today. Like many projects, Datasette offers multiple versions of the documentation: …

readthedocs Using custom Sphinx templates on Read the Docs - 2020-12-07

I wanted to make a small customization to one of my documentation templates on Read the Docs. …

readthedocs Read the Docs Search API - 2020-08-16

I stumbled across this API today:

readthedocs Pointing a custom subdomain at Read the Docs - 2020-08-14

I host the documentation for Datasette on Read the Docs. Until today it lived at but today I moved it to a custom subdomain,