Running pytest against a specific Python version with uv run

While working on this issue I figured out a neat pattern for running the tests for my project locally against a specific Python version using uv run:

uv run --python 3.12 --with '.[test]' pytest

The new-to-me trick here is that --with '.[test] works for adding the project dependencies and the test dependencies from the or pyproject.toml file in the current project directory.

This makes it trivial to try running the test suite against different Python versions on demand without needing to worry about manually creating a virtual environment for each one.

This pattern works for more complex scenarios too. My project's GitHub Actions CI runs an additional variant that uses the pytest-cov plugin to generate coverage reports. I could simulate that locally by including that as another --with pytest-cov option - here I'm also adding the -Werror flag so any warnings would be treated as errors:

uv run --python 3.12 \
  --with pytest-cov \
  --with '.[test]' pytest \
    -Werror \
    --cov=datasette \
    --cov-config=.coveragerc \
    --cov-report xml:coverage.xml \
    --cov-report term  

Created 2025-02-04T14:55:50-08:00 · Edit