I found an MP3 recording of an old talk I gave and decided to use the slides from that talk to create a video using iMovie.
The slides were in Keynote, so I started by exporting them to individual images:
File -> Export To -> Images...
I then imported the images into iMovie by dragging and dropping the whole pile of them from the finder.
I dragged and dropped in my MP3 recording too.
When you import images into iMovie it applies the Ken Burns zoom effect to them by default, which wasn't what I wanted.
To get rid of this you need to use the "Crop" tool (unintuitively). Select all of the images, click the "Crop" icon, then set the Style to "Fill".
I wanted each slide to be on screen for the correct duration to match the audio.
At first I tried dragging and dropping the edges of the images, but this was way too fiddly.
Instead, I decided to manually alter the duration of each one.
I did this by selecting each image in turn, clicking the little (i) icon and manually editing the duration in seconds.
This was faster than I expected - I quickly got a feel for if I should jump the duration up to 8s or 10s and then tweaked those numbers by hitting the play and pause buttons.
I exported the result using the File -> Share -> File...
menu. Despite the 1.03GB estimate the video ended up being 259.8MB - presumably because it was mostly static images.
I created a custom title slide image for it because YouTube likes those to be 1280x720px - I used Pixelmator for that.
The completed video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omobajJmyIU
Created 2023-06-15T21:15:44+01:00 · Edit