TIL search: asgi

pytest Code coverage using pytest and codecov.io - 2020-08-15

I got my [asgi-csrf](https://github.com/simonw/asgi-csrf) Python package up to 100% code coverage. Here's [the pull request](https://github.com/simonw/asgi-csrf/issues/13).

I started by installing and using the [pytest-cov](https://pypi.org/project/pytest-cov/) pytest plugin.

pip install pytest-cov
pytest --cov=asgi_csrf
This shows the current...

asgi Writing tests for the ASGI lifespan protocol with HTTPX - 2020-06-29

Uvicorn silently ignores exceptions that occur during startup against the ASGI lifespan protocol - see [starlette/issues/486](https://github.com/encode/starlette/issues/486).

You can disable this feature using the `lifespan="on"` parameter to `uvicorn.run()` - which Datasette now does as-of [16f592247a2a0e140ada487e9972645406dcae69](https://github.com/simonw/datasette/commit/16f592247a2a0e140ada487e9972645406dcae69)

This exposed a bug in `datasette-debug-asgi`: it...

django Adding a Datasette ASGI app to Django - 2022-10-20

[Datasette](https://datasette.io/) is implemented as an ASGI application.

Django can be [run and deployed using ASGI](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.1/howto/deployment/asgi/).

At the [DjangoCon Sprints](https://2022.djangocon.us/schedule/#Day-Sprints1) this morning I figured out how to run Datasette inside a Django application, talking to the same SQLite databases as Django...

zeit-now Running a Python ASGI app on Vercel - 2020-04-19

...It turns out you can subvert that model entirely and route all of your traffic through a single function - great for serving up Python WSGI or ASGI apps that handle traffic routing themselves.

the trick is to use the `"routes"` key in a `vercel.json` file like this:

    "version": 2,
    "builds": [
            "src": "json_head.py",
            "use": "@vercel/python"

datasette Using pytest-httpx to run intercepted requests through an in-memory Datasette instance - 2023-07-24

...I figured out a pattern for doing that using `pytest-httpx` to intercept outbound HTTP requests and send them through a Datasette ASGI application instead.

Here's a simplified example of this pattern, with inline comments explaining how it works.

Dependencies are:
pip install pytest pytest-httpx httpx datasette
I saved this as `test_demo.py` and ran it...

datasette Writing a Datasette CLI plugin that mostly duplicates an existing command - 2022-10-22

...None for invalid_option in invalid_options})
    kwargs["return_instance"] = True
    ds = cli.serve.callback(**kwargs)
    # ds is now a configured Datasette instance
    asgi = StandaloneApplication(
            "bind": "{}:{}".format(host, port),
            "workers": workers,

def register_commands(cli):
    # Get a reference to the existing "datasette serve" command
    serve_command = cli.commands["serve"]
    # Create a new list...

datasette Redirects for Datasette - 2020-11-25

...I configured the redirects using a one-off Datasette plugin called `redirects.py` which I dropped into the `plugins/` directory for the Datasette instance:

from datasette import hookimpl
from datasette.utils.asgi import Response

def register_routes():
    return (
        (r"^/til/til/(?P<topic>[^_]+)_(?P<slug>[^\.]+)\.md$", lambda request: Response.redirect(
            "/{topic}/{slug}".format(**request.url_vars), status=301...

sqlite Comparing database rows before and after with SQLite JSON functions - 2022-12-14


cloudrun Use labels on Cloud Run services for a billing breakdown - 2020-04-21

...service \
    --region=$region --platform=managed \
    --update-labels service=$service

It runs the equivalent of this for each service:
gcloud run services update asgi-log-demo --region=us-central1 --platform=managed --update-labels service=asgi-log-demo

I saved that as a `runme.sh` script, run `chmod 755 runme.sh` and then  `./runme.sh` to run it.

The output...

kubernetes Basic Datasette in Kubernetes - 2021-11-05

        - sh
        - -c
        - |-
          # Install some plugins
          pip install \
            datasette-debug-asgi \
            datasette-cluster-map \
          # Download a DB (using Python because curl/wget are not available)
          python -c 'import urllib.request; urllib.request.urlretrieve("https://global-power-plants.datasettes.com/global-power-plants.db", "/home/global-power-plants.db")'
          # Start Datasette, on

awslambda Deploying Python web apps as AWS Lambda functions - 2022-09-18

...This recipe works! The result is a `lib/` folder full of Amazon Linux Python packages, ready to be zipped up and deployed.

## Running an ASGI application

I want to deploy [Datasette](https://datasette.io/).

Datasette is an [ASGI application](https://simonwillison.net/2019/Jun/23/datasette-asgi/).

But... AWS Lambda functions have their own weird interface to HTTP - the `event...

docker Run pytest against a specific Python version using Docker - 2022-09-05

...rfc3986, mypy-extensions, iniconfig, zipp, typing-extensions, typed-ast, tomli, soupsieve, sniffio, six, PyYAML, pyparsing, pycparser, py, platformdirs, pathspec, mergedeep, MarkupSafe, itsdangerous, idna, hupper, h11, execnet, cogapp, certifi, attrs, aiofiles, python-multipart, packaging, Jinja2, janus, importlib-metadata, cffi, beautifulsoup4, asgiref, anyio, pluggy, pint, httpcore, cryptography, click, asgi-csrf, uvicorn, trustme, pytest, httpx, click-default-group-wheel, black, pytest-timeout, pytest...

sqlite Compile and run a new SQLite version with the existing sqlite3 Python library on macOS - 2023-08-22

...versions.json | jq
  "python": {
    "version": "3.10.10",
    "full": "3.10.10 (main, Mar 21 2023, 13:41:05) [Clang 14.0.6 ]"
  "datasette": {
    "version": "1.0a4"
  "asgi": "3.0",
  "uvicorn": "0.23.2",
  "sqlite": {
    "version": "3.42.0",
    "fts_versions": [],
    "extensions": {
      "json1": null
    "compile_options": [

sqlite Using LD_PRELOAD to run any version of SQLite with Python - 2020-06-17

...Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

And now reports the following:

    "python": {
        "version": "3.8.2",
        "full": "3.8.2 (default, Apr 27 2020, 15:53:34) \n[GCC 9.3.0]"
    "datasette": {
        "version": "0.44"
    "asgi": "3.0",
    "uvicorn": "0.11.5",