I was experimenting with the new Readwise export API and it gave me back the following JSON:
"user_book_id": 15433610,
"title": "Screenwriting: The Sequence Approach",
"author": "Paul Joseph Gulino",
"readable_title": "Screenwriting",
"source": "kindle",
"cover_image_url": "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51UMeAAJNRL._SL75_.jpg",
"unique_url": null,
"book_tags": [],
"category": "books",
"readwise_url": "https://readwise.io/bookreview/15433610",
"source_url": null,
"asin": "B00F9476Y0",
"highlights": []
The image URL https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51UMeAAJNRL._SL75_.jpg
produced a tiny little image - this one:
I wanted to get back a bigger version of that image. On a hunch, I popped open a VS Code window running GitHub Copilot and typed this:
# That image but bigger:
It autocompleted for me:
Which is indeed a larger version of the image!
I typed #
and hit autocomplete again, to see what would happen, and got this:
# That image but smaller:
Another correct guess. GPT-3/Copilot clearly includes training data that has seen these URLs before.
I typed #
one more time and it autocompleted again to:
# That image but with a different format:
... and this time that URL is a 404. Copilot made this one up!
Here's the full flow in VS Code:
Created 2022-10-15T15:10:24-07:00, updated 2022-10-15T15:27:45-07:00 · History · Edit