TIL search: cloud

googlecloud Publishing to a public Google Cloud bucket with gsutil - 2021-09-20

I decided to publish static CSV files to accompany my https://cdc-vaccination-history.datasette.io/ project, using a Google Cloud bucket (see [cdc-vaccination-history issue #9](https://github.com/simonw/cdc-vaccination-history/issues/9)).

The Google Cloud tutorial on [https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/hosting-static-website-http#gsutil](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/hosting...

github-actions Only run GitHub Action on push to master / main - 2020-04-19

Spotted in [this Cloud Run example](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/blob/20c294aabd5331f9f7b8a26e6075d41c31ce5e0d/example-workflows/cloud-run/.github/workflows/cloud-run.yml):

name: Build and Deploy to Cloud Run

    - master

Useful if you don't want people opening pull requests against your repo that inadvertantly trigger a deploy action!

An alternative mechanism I've used...

cloudrun How to deploy a folder with a Dockerfile to Cloud Run - 2020-08-04

I deployed https://metmusem.datasettes.com/ by creating a folder on my computer containing a Dockerfile and then shipping that folder up to Google Cloud Run.

Normally I use [datasette publish cloudrun](https://docs.datasette.io/en/stable/publish.html#publishing-to-google-cloud-run) to deploy to Cloud Run, but in this case I decided to do it by...

cloudrun Using build-arg variables with Cloud Run deployments - 2021-11-19

For [datasette/issues/1522](https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1522) I wanted to use a Docker build argument in a `Dockerfile` that would then be deployed to Cloud Run.

I needed this to be able to control the version of Datasette that was deployed. Here's my simplified `Dockerfile`:

FROM python:3-alpine

# Copy to...

cloudrun Increasing the time limit for a Google Cloud Scheduler task - 2021-07-08

In [VIAL issue 724](https://github.com/CAVaccineInventory/vial/issues/724) a Cloud Scheduler job which triggered a Cloud Run hosted export script - by sending an HTTP POST to an endpoint - was returning an error. The logs showed the error happened exactly three minutes after the task started executing.

Turns out the HTTP endpoint (which does a lot of work...

github-actions Set environment variables for all steps in a GitHub Action - 2020-04-19

From [this example](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/blob/20c294aabd5331f9f7b8a26e6075d41c31ce5e0d/example-workflows/cloud-run/.github/workflows/cloud-run.yml) I learned that you can set environment variables such that they will be available in ALL jobs once at the top of a workflow:

name: Build and Deploy to Cloud Run

    - master

  PROJECT_ID: ${{ secrets...

cloudrun Using the gcloud run services list command - 2020-09-01

The `gcloud run services list` command lists your services running on Google Cloud Run:

~ % gcloud run services list --platform=managed
   SERVICE                        REGION       URL                                                            LAST DEPLOYED BY                                              LAST DEPLOYED AT
✔  calands                        us-central1  https://calands-j7hipcg4aq-uc.a.run.app                        ...@gmail.com                                           2020-09-02T00:15:29.563846Z
✔  cloud-run-hello                us-central1  https://cloud-run-hello-j7hipcg4aq-uc.a.run...

datasette Scraping Reddit and writing data to the Datasette write API - 2023-03-13

...I ran `chmod 755 submit-to-datasette-cloud.sh` and added it to the GitHub repository.

## Running it in GitHub Actions

Having set the `DS_TOKEN` secret for my repository, I added the following to the `scrape.yml` file:

    - name: Submit latest to Datasette Cloud
        DS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.DS_TOKEN }}
      run: |-
Now every...

valtown Running a scheduled function on Val Town to import Atom feeds into Datasette Cloud - 2024-02-20

...Today I figured out how to use it to run an hourly task (a "Val") that fetches data from an Atom feed, parses it and then submits the resulting parsed data to a table running on [Datasette Cloud](https://www.datasette.cloud/) via the [Datasette JSON write API](https://docs.datasette.io/en/latest/json_api.html#the-json-write...

googlecloud Workaround for google-github-actions/setup-gcloud errors - 2022-12-01

I used the [google-github-actions/setup-gcloud](https://github.com/google-github-actions/setup-gcloud) action in all of my GitHub Actions workflows that deploy applications to Cloud Run.

The pattern I used to use looked like this:

    - name: Set up Python
      uses: actions/setup-python@v4
        python-version: '3.10'
    - name: Set up Cloud Run

googlecloud Analyzing Google Cloud spend with Datasette - 2022-08-16

Google Cloud provide extremely finely grained billing, but you need to access it through BigQuery which I find quite inconvenient.

You can export a dump [from BigQuery](https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery) to your Google Drive and then download and import it into Datasette.

I started with a `SELECT *` query against the export table it had created for me...

googlecloud Reading thermometer temperatures over time from a video - 2023-04-02

...I hadn't tried it myself, but I'd heard good things about Google Cloud Vision - so I gave that a go using [their online demo](https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/drag-and-drop):

![The Cloud Vision Try the API tool. My photo is on the left with boxes drawn on it around the model number of the thermometer...

cloudrun Tailing Google Cloud Run request logs and importing them into SQLite - 2021-08-09

The `gcloud` CLI tool has [the alpha ability to tail log files](https://cloud.google.com/logging/docs/reference/tools/gcloud-logging#live-tailing) - but it's a bit of a pain to setup.

You have to install two extras for it. First, this:

    gcloud alpha logging tail

That installs the functionality, but as the documentation will tell you:

> To...

cloudrun Use labels on Cloud Run services for a billing breakdown - 2020-04-21

...If you want a per-service breakdown of pricing on your Google Cloud Run services within a project (each service is a different deployed application) the easiest way to do it is to apply labels to those services, then request a by-label pricing breakdown.

This command will update a service (restarting it) with a new label:

gcloud run...

django Building a blog in Django - 2023-08-15

We launched the [Datasette Cloud blog](https://www.datasette.cloud/blog/) today. The Datasette Cloud site itself is a Django app - it uses Django and PostgreSQL to manage accounts, teams and soon billing and payments, then launches dedicated containers running Datasette for each customer.

It's been a while since I've built a new blog implementation in Django! I...

cloudrun Switching between gcloud accounts - 2021-05-18

I have two different Google Cloud accounts active at the moment. Here's how to list them with `gcloud auth list`:

% gcloud auth list
    Credentialed Accounts
*       me@gmail.com

To set the active account, run:
    $ gcloud config set account `ACCOUNT`
And to switch between them with `gcloud config set account`:

% gcloud config set account me...

github-actions Deploying a live Datasette demo when the tests pass - 2022-03-27

...Set up Cloud Run
      uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v0
        version: '275.0.0'
        service_account_email: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_EMAIL }}
        service_account_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}
    - name: Deploy demo to Cloud Run
        CLIENT_SECRET: ${{ secrets.AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET }}
      run: |-
        gcloud config set run/region us-central1
        gcloud config set project datasette-222320
        wget https://latest...

cloudrun Listing files uploaded to Cloud Build - 2021-04-14

Today while running `datasette publish cloudrun ...` I noticed the following:

Uploading tarball of [.] to [gs://datasette-222320_cloudbuild/source/1618465936.523167-939ed21aedff4cb8a2c914c099fb48cd.tgz]
`gs://` indicates a Google Cloud Storage bucket. Can I see what's in that `datasette-222320_cloudbuild` bucket?

Turns out I can:

~ % gsutil ls -l gs://datasette-222320_cloudbuild/source/ | head -n 10
     36929  2019-05-03T13...

deno Deno KV - 2023-04-28

...The code example looked like this:
const kv = await Deno.openKv();
Wait, that looks like a core language feature? Are they shipping a client for their own proprietary hosted cloud database as part of their core language?

They're not - at least not in the open source implementation of Deno. I dug in and I think I understand what...

bash Looping over comma-separated values in Bash - 2020-09-01

Here's a script I wrote using this technique for the TIL [Use labels on Cloud Run services for a billing breakdown](https://til.simonwillison.net/til/til/cloudrun_use-labels-for-billing-breakdown.md):
for line in $(
  gcloud run services list --platform=managed \
    --format="csv(SERVICE,REGION)" \
    --filter "NOT metadata.labels.service:*" \
  | tail -n +2...

googlecloud Google OAuth for a CLI application - 2022-02-16

...The `access_token` will work for an hour, but you can store the `refresh_token` and use it to obtain a new `access_token` any time you like.

## Setting up the OAuth app

In the Google Cloud console you need to navigate to "APIs and Services", "Credentials", "Create Credentials" and select "OAuth client ID". You need to create a client...

cloudflare How to get Cloudflare to cache HTML - 2024-01-08

...Edge TTL is set to Use cache-control header if present, bypass cache if not.](https://static.simonwillison.net/static/2024/cloudflare-cache-rule.jpg)

I've told it that for any incoming request with a hostname containing `.datasette.site` (see [background in my weeknotes](https://simonwillison.net/2024/Jan/7/page-caching-and-custom-templates-for-datasette-cloud/)) it...

cloudflare Adding a robots.txt using Cloudflare workers - 2021-12-21

I got an unexpected traffic spike to https://russian-ira-facebook-ads.datasettes.com/ - which runs on Cloud Run - and decided to use `robots.txt` to block crawlers.

Re-deploying that instance was a little hard because I didn't have a clean repeatable deployment script in place for it (it's an older project) - so I decided to try...

django Django Admin action for exporting selected rows as CSV - 2021-04-25

...This may result in poor performance" - this particular project runs on Google Cloud Run so I'm less concerned about tying up a worker than I would be normally, plus the export option is only available to trusted staff users with access to the Django Admin interface.

To add the CSV export option to a `ModelAdmin` subclass, do the following...

googlecloud Recursively fetching metadata for all files in a Google Drive folder - 2022-02-16

...Note that while the Google Drive API implies that a file can live in more than one folder - `parents` is an array of IDs - Google Drive [simplified their model in September 2020](https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/g-suite/simplifying-google-drives-folder-structure-and-sharing-models) such that a file can only be in a single folder.

## Code...

aws Querying newline-delimited JSON logs using AWS Athena - 2022-10-06

  message string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION 's3://datasette-cloud-fly-logs/'
I ran that in the Athena query editor at https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/athena/home?region=us-east-1#/query-editor

As you...

llms Exploring ColBERT with RAGatouille - 2024-01-27

...Rising temperatures, ocean acidification, and altered (slight bold) precipitation patterns all contribute to shifts in the distribution and behavior of marine (big bold) species (bold), influencing the delicate balance of under water ecosystems (3 words in bold).](https://static.simonwillison.net/static/2024/colbert-vis-2.jpg)

That's from [colbert.aiserv.cloud](https://colbert.aiserv.cloud/), a really neat...

github Running a Django and PostgreSQL development environment in GitHub Codespaces - 2023-08-10

...I'm really excited about cloud-based development environments such as [GitHub Codespaces](https://github.com/features/codespaces) for exactly this reason - I love the idea that you can get a working environment by clicking a green button, and if it breaks you can throw it away and click the button again to get a brand new one.

Today I...

gis Serving a custom vector web map using PMTiles and maplibre-gl - 2023-10-23

[Protomaps](https://protomaps.com/) is "an open source map of the world, deployable as a single static file on cloud storage". It involves some _very_ clever technology, rooted in the [PMTiles](https://github.com/protomaps/PMTiles) file format which lets you create a single static file containing vector tile data which is designed to be hosted on static hosting but...

datasette Searching all columns of a table in Datasette - 2021-08-23

  group_concat(query, ' union all ')
I tried this against the FiveThirtyEight database and the query it produced was way beyond the URL length limit for Cloud Run.

Here's the result if [run against latest.datasette.io/fixtures](https://latest.datasette.io/fixtures?sql=with+tables+as+%28%0D%0A++select%0D%0A++++name+as+table...